Co-Creating the Ideal Caregiver Support System

How can Customer Experience Design lead to the creation of Caregiver support concepts?


A global pharmaceutical company wanted to re-imagine the future of care through the lens of Caregivers, in order to build digital and non-digital solutions that would assist them in the care they provide to their loved one.


To create a desirable future of care, the client first needed to understand the role of Caregivers in the lives of patients and their unique unmet needs.

Our Approach


Caregivers act as personal life managers and an at-home extension of health practitioners. Caregivers are the invisible hero and need support across all areas of caregiving, from social supports to technical therapeutic knowledge and patient living care skills.


Behavioral interviewing techniques, such as vignette storytelling, to get beyond the surface.


We created rough Care Support concepts based on the pain points and unmet needs. Then took these to caregivers to build and refine.

Our Impact

Equipped with an understanding of the critical role Caregivers play in the treatment and care of Patients, the client team decided decided to prioritize Caregiver support over Patient support strategies and tools.

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”This reframing of Caregivers is exactly what we needed to know on how instrumental the caregivers are in the treatment journey of the patients."

- VP Strategy

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