Co-Creating the Pediatrician - Parent vaccine conversation

How can understanding the CX mindset help shift the Pediatrician vaccine conversation from transactional to lifetime partnership?


In an increasingly vaccine skeptical world, a global pharmaceutical company wanted to help increase vaccine uptake among younger children (per guidelines), by developing a script pediatricians could use to increase same-day acceptance of the vaccine.


To understand the vaccine discussion between pediatrician and parent in order to define a script that doctors will feel comfortable delivering and that will shorten the conversation with parents while leading to increased uptake at this younger age.

Our Approach
  • Reverse Role Play with Doctors playing the role of parent allowed us to uncover new challenges doctors face.
  • Co-creation with HCPs allowed us identify language and messages that they would actually use, increasing likelihood of uptake of this ‘script’.
Our Impact

We created a vaccine script that doctors valued, and felt they could credibly deliver, as well as principles to inform responses to new questions that arise in discussion with parents. We also shifted the client team mindset around the unique relationship pediatricians have with their patients/families - from a transaction to a lifelong partnership. By understanding this dynamic, and providing tools to keep vaccination discussions positive, pediatricians were empowered to improve vaccination rates in younger patients.

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