Message Testing: Quant, Qual, or Quanty-Qual?

How can we gain the confidence of a quantitative data set with depth of live discussion group insight?​


Our client hoped to create digital assets that best reflected the power of a medication to psychiatrists. With a series of messages in hand, they didn’t have clarity around which messages would be most engaging and drive action.​


Our client’s internal team was split about whether they needed the richness of qualitative insight or the breadth of quantitative insights, to identify winning messages and message sequencing. ​

Our Approach

Why settle? FSi built a mixed-method research plan, underpinned by large scale AI conversation platform paired with smaller sample, ethnographic interviews to tease out which messages meaningfully conveyed the powerfulness of the medication with psychiatrists.

Our Impact

The client team confidently walked away with a clear message sequence as well as a list of strategies for iterating impactfully. ​

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"From the start FSi team was really helpful in helping diagnose what we wanted to do."

- Director, Market Research & CI​

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