The year is 2032. Meet Jesse.
Argh! These last two weeks I feel like I’ve been sleeping in a swimming pool. I’m waking up in the middle of the night with my pajamas and sheets soaked with sweat, feeling like a furnace is being turned on high from deep within my chest. Remaking the bed in the middle of the night isn’t my idea of nighttime fun.
I was able to get an appointment with my doctor to discuss this menopause issue but seeing the doctor is very triggering for me because I have to show up looking female for them to take my health issues seriously. My trans friends won't go to the doctor unless their health issues are really serious because the experience of presenting as female is really hard on their mental health.
No one really talks about menopause out in the open anymore. It’s become taboo. It’s the same with other areas of women’s health like endometriosis, cardiovascular health and cancer – funding was cut
off and learning in this space has stalled. I’ve been searching online for information and studies on how
to manage my menopause symptoms, but I can’t find anything current. Everything is at least 10 years old!
Some of my trans friends have a weekly CBT session on their Therapy App but it uses an AI generated therapist which is often useless because it’s not designed to appreciate the nuances of what it’s like to live on the outside of a binary world. It’s kind of exhausting trying to be seen in a world that doesn’t want you to exist.
What would happen if women's health didn’t include a wide array of people who need access to this care like trans women and men, women of colour, and older women?
What if we never invested in advancing women’s health, how would the world function?
How do you see your role in preventing this scenario from happening?